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Are You Leveraging Your Professional Network?

Discover the untapped potential in your professional contacts.

Spark: May 2024

When you have a solid network with the right people, those relationships can really boost your industry reputation and get you noticed in all the right ways. Making those connections is half the battle, and leveraging them correctly is the catalyst that can take your business to new heights.


Here are three tips to put your network to better use:


Request testimonials.

From quote cards to video compilations, testimonials provide social proof of your value and expertise. Your business contacts have a unique perspective on your services that you can and should share with potential clients. By vouching for you, their credibility with their audience carries over to you. Just remember that good networking favors generosity, so offer to share a testimonial in return.


Offer free workshops.

Attendees of a workshop.

Providing value to your professional network fosters reciprocation and strengthens your business partnerships. Hosting a free webinar or workshop open to colleagues is a great platform for sharing valuable market insights and business resources. These are the forums where you can collaborate to develop cross-marketing promotions and maybe even co-host a workshop to reach a broader audience.


Collaborate on social media.

People working together using smartphones

Joint organic or paid social media campaigns with business partners can put you in front of new audiences. You can do cross-promotional posts, stream a live story together, and share each other’s content. For example, create a post about moving tips in collaboration with a local mover, and ask them to share it with their followers, expanding both of your audiences.




KEY INSIGHT "We can’t pursue the benefits of networks; the benefits ensue from investments in meaningful activities and relationships." — Adam Grant



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