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Navigate Tricky Conversations with These Dynamic Scripts

Check out these strategies for communicating like a pro.

Spark - June 2024

An effective script can make a difficult or uncomfortable interaction feel like a smooth segue into connecting with people and strengthening your business. Keep the following scripts in mind when you encounter these common situations:

1. Ghosts of seasons past

There are plenty of reasons a former prospect could have ghosted you, so it’s important not to take the break in communication personally. Rather, re-open the conversation with a simple phone call or text and say, “Hey, (name)! Last time we spoke, you were hoping to buy a home soon. Were you able to find the right place, or are you still looking?” If they’re no longer in the market, ask if you can stay in touch with periodic check-ins, or remind them of another way you could help in the future.

2. Critical feedback online

Here’s what to say when a client leaves negative feedback in a public forum. If you didn’t meet their expectations, try, I am sorry you feel that your needs were not met. Please email or text me with more information so I can try to rectify the situation.” If you feel a disgruntled reviewer is falsely accusing you, avoid getting defensive. Instead, say, “I would like to discuss some factors with you that may clarify the situation. Please reach out to me at your convenience.”

3. Unrealistic negotiation demands

A woman talking to a client using a headset

You’re likely to encounter a situation where a client requests contract contingencies that you consider too lofty. Remain objective and provide clarity by saying, I understand that you want (specific request). My job is to manage expectations and help you weigh the risks against the benefits. Submitting an offer with those terms might cause us to lose the deal. Ultimately, it’s up to you, but here’s what I would suggest instead.”




KEY INSIGHT "Engagement with the customer today is understanding that you must be present in a conversation when they want to have it, not when you want to." — Bob Thacker, former Senior VP of Marketing at OfficeMax



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